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Different type of Meditation Practice and Its techniques

Different type of Meditation Practice and Its techniques

There are various types of meditation, each with its own techniques and focuses. Here are some popular types of meditation along with their techniques: Mindfulness Meditation: This type of meditation involves bringing non-judgmental awareness to the present moment. Techniques commonly used in mindfulness meditation include: Breath Awareness: Focus on the sensation of the breath, observing each inhalation and exhalation. Body Scan: Gradually scan through different parts of the body, observing...

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How to Practice Pratyahara

How to Practice Pratyahara

Pratyahara is the fifth limb of the eight limbs of yoga, as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. It is the practice of withdrawing the senses from external stimuli and turning the attention inward. Here are some guidelines to help you practice pratyahara: Prepare your space: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can practice without distractions. Create an environment that is conducive to turning your attention inward....

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How to Practice Dharna

Dharana, which means "concentration" or "single-pointed focus," is an important aspect of yogic practice. It is the practice of directing and sustaining your attention on a chosen object or point of focus. Here are some guidelines to help you practice Dharana properly: Choose a suitable object of focus: Select an object that is conducive to concentration. It can be an external object such as a candle flame, a picture, or...

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What are the core duties ( Karma ) of humans, according to Sanatan Dharma?

What are the core duties ( Karma ) of humans, according to Sanatan Dharma?

In Sanatana Dharma (also known as Hinduism), the core duties of a human being are described in the ancient scriptures known as the Vedas and the Smritis. These duties are often referred to as the "Purusharthas" or the fourfold goals of life. They are: Dharma (Righteousness and Duty): Dharma refers to moral and ethical principles that guide individuals in leading a righteous and virtuous life. It encompasses duties towards oneself,...

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