How to Use Ribhu Gita in Daily Life?
🔹 Morning: Read 1-2 verses and reflect.🔹 During the Day: Whenever problems arise, remember:🗣️ "I am not this body. I am infinite awareness."🔹 Before Sleep: Meditate...
🔥 Key Teachings from Ribhu Gita (The Ultimate Non-Dual Wisdom)
The Ribhu Gita is a direct and powerful exposition of Advaita Vedanta (Non-Duality). It eliminates all doubts and points directly to Self-Realization—the awareness that you are...
Unveiling the Treasures of Nalanda: Ancient Subjects and Student Life in the Legendary University
n this blog, we delve into the subjects taught at Nalanda and explore the daily routine of its esteemed students. Subjects Taught at Nalanda: Philosophy: Nalanda...
Exploring the Garuda Purana: A Comprehensive Summary for the Common Man
The Garuda Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas of Hinduism, holds a significant place in Indian spiritual literature. It is a profound text that covers various...
Living by the Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: Applying Quotes to Different Aspects of Life
Let's delve into how select quotes from the Gita can be applied to different elements of our lifestyles. 1. Relationships: Quote: "A gift is pure when...
Mahashivratri: Delving into the Spiritual Significance and Celebrations of the Great Night of Shiva
Unveiling the Spiritual Significance of Mahashivratri Mahashivratri, which translates to "the Great Night of Shiva," is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the dark fortnight...
Embracing the Divine Darkness: Exploring the History and Significance of the Kali Puja Festival
A Glimpse into History: Origins of Kali Puja Rooted in the ancient traditions of Bengal, the Kali Puja Festival traces its origins to the worship of...
Shiva as Adiyogi: Unveiling the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times
Unveiling the Originator of Yoga Shiva, known as the Adiyogi or the First Yogi, is believed to have transmitted the knowledge of yoga to the ancient...
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Origin Story of Bhagwan Shiva
The Shiva Purana: A Source of Revelation At the heart of understanding Bhagwan Shiva's origins lies the Shiva Purana, a sacred text revered by millions of...