What are the significance of different Colors in Hinduism

What are the significance of different Colors in Hinduism

What are the significance of different Colors in Hinduism

For the Hindu, colors assume a vital part in the religion and culture and have a profound importance,rising above absolutely embellishing values. Hindu craftsmen use tone on the divinities and their dresses meaning their characteristics. Appropriate utilization of shadings establishes a climate, which should keep an individual merry.

A portion of the fundamentalcolors utilized in strict services are red, yellow (turmeric), green from leaves, white from wheat flour. and so forth


Red demonstrates both exotic nature and immaculateness. In Hindu religion, red is of most extreme importance and the shading most every now and again utilized for propitious events like relationships, birth of a youngster,celebrations, and so forth A red imprint is put on the temple during services and significant events.

As an indication of marriage, ladies put red powder on the hair separating. They likewise wear a red sari during marriage. Red powder is normally tossed on sculptures of divinities and phallic images during petitions. It is likewise the shade of Shakti (ability). A red hued dress is put on divinities who are altruistic, daring, defensive, and who have the ability to obliterate fiendishness. On the passing of a lady, her body is enclosed by a red material for the incineration.


Saffron The most consecrated shading for the Hindu saffron. Addresses fire and as contaminations are singed by fire, this tone represents virtue. It likewise addresses strict restraint. This shading implication has a holy significance for the
Hindu. It is the shade of heavenly men and monks who have repudiated the world.

Wearing the shading represents the mission for light. It is the fight shade of the Rajputs, the champion position.


Green is a merry shading. In Maharashtra, it addresses life and bliss. For that
reason, a widow doesn't don green. Representing harmony and satisfaction, green settles the psyche. The tone is cool to the eyes and addresses nature.


Yellow is the shade of information and learning. It represents joy, harmony, contemplation, skill what's more, mental turn of events. It is the shade of spring and initiates the brain. Master Vishnu's dress is yellow representing his portrayal of information. Master Krishna and Ganesha moreover wear yellow dresses. Yellow garments are worn and yellow food is eaten at spring celebrations. Single young ladies sport yellow to draw in a mate and fend detestable spirits off.


White is a combination of seven unique tones consequently it's anything but a smidgen of the nature of each. It addresses immaculateness, neatness, harmony and information. The goddess of information, Saraswati is constantly displayed as wearing a white dress, sitting on a white lotus. The Brahmin - the most elevated social position - is related with white.

Hindu strict pioneers cover themselves with white cinders to address their profound resurrection. White is additionally the shade of grieving. The other noticeable gods would likewise have a dash of white on their dress. A Hindu widow would wear a white dress in grieving.


Blue The Creator has given the maximum of blue to nature (i.e.) the sky, the oceans, the rivers and the lakes. The deity who has the qualities of bravery, manliness, determination, the ability to deal with difficult situations, of stable mind and depth of character is represented as blue colored.

Lord Rama and Krishna spent their life protecting humanity and destroying
evil, hence they are colored blue.

In our next blog we will share the information about more on which color should be wear each day. 

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Jai Shree Ram ! 

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