The Ribhu Gita is a direct and powerful exposition of Advaita Vedanta (Non-Duality). It eliminates all doubts and points directly to Self-Realization—the awareness that you are the infinite, formless, eternal Self (Brahman).
Here’s a summary of its most powerful teachings:
1️⃣ "You Are Not the Body, You Are the Supreme Self"
📖 Ribhu Gita repeatedly declares:
👉 "I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not the senses."
👉 "I am Pure Consciousness, beyond all form and thought."
🕉 Explanation:
The biggest illusion (Maya) is identifying with the body and mind. But you are not this temporary body, nor the fluctuating mind—you are the eternal, unchanging awareness behind all experiences.
🔥 Practice: Every time you feel anger, fear, or ego, remind yourself:
🗣️ "This is not me. I am the infinite, ever-free consciousness.
2️⃣ "Everything is Brahman (Pure Awareness)"
📖 Ribhu Gita states:
👉 "There is no world, no individuality, no duality—only Brahman exists."
🕉 Explanation:
Everything you see, touch, feel, or think is just an illusion (Maya). There is no separate 'you' or 'world'. Only the one, infinite consciousness exists. The waking world, dreams, and deep sleep are all temporary illusions.
🔥 Practice:
Next time you face problems or suffering, realize:
🗣️ "This world is like a dream. Only pure awareness is real."
3️⃣ "Abandon All Concepts & Rest in Pure Awareness"
📖 Ribhu Gita says:
👉 "The moment you drop all thoughts, you are already liberated."
👉 "Nothing is to be done. You are already That."
🕉 Explanation:
Liberation (Moksha) does not require effort, worship, or rituals. You do not need to achieve anything—you are already the Supreme Reality. The only "obstacle" is your belief that you are not free.
🔥 Practice:
- Instead of searching for peace, be still and recognize you are peace itself.
- Drop all mental concepts and rest in silence.
- Ask yourself: "Who is thinking? Who am I?
4️⃣ "Nothing Ever Happened—You Were Always Free"
📖 Ribhu Gita declares:
👉 "There was never bondage. There was never suffering. There was never a world. It is all a play of the mind."
🕉 Explanation:
The idea that you are trapped, imperfect, or impure is a lie. You were never born, and you will never die. Like a dream that disappears upon waking, this entire life is an illusion.
🔥 Practice:
- See life like a movie—enjoy it, but know it is not real.
- Whatever happens—good or bad—say:
🗣️ "This is just a passing show. I am untouched and infinite.
5️⃣ "Chant ‘Shivoham’ (I Am Shiva) & Be Free"
📖 Ribhu Gita prescribes a simple method:
👉 "By chanting ‘Shivoham’ (I am Shiva), all ignorance dissolves."
👉 "Remembering this alone, one attains liberation effortlessly."
🕉 Explanation:
The simplest way to realize your true nature is to affirm it constantly. The more you identify with the Supreme, the more you dissolve the illusion of separation.
🔥 Practice:
- Meditate on the mantra:
🗣️ "Shivoham, Shivoham" (I am Shiva, I am Infinite). - Whenever fear, doubt, or pain arise, repeat this mantra mentally.
🌟 Conclusion: The Essence of Ribhu Gita
✔ You are NOT the body, mind, or ego.
✔ You are pure, infinite, eternal consciousness.
✔ The world is an illusion (like a dream).
✔ No effort is needed—just BE as you are.
✔ Chant "Shivoham" and rest in awareness.