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How to Use Ribhu Gita in Daily Life?

How to Use Ribhu Gita in Daily Life?

🔹 Morning: Read 1-2 verses and reflect.
🔹 During the Day: Whenever problems arise, remember:
🗣️ "I am not this body. I am infinite awareness."
🔹 Before Sleep: Meditate on Shivoham (I Am Shiva).


📖 Daily Ribhu Gita Reading & Practice Schedule (For Deep Transformation)

This 7-day cycle will help you absorb and live the essence of Ribhu Gita step by step. Each day, you will focus on one core teaching and apply it practically.

🕉️ Day 1: "I Am Not the Body, I Am Pure Awareness"

📖 Read: Chapter 1 (Verses on Self-Inquiry)
🔥 Practice:

  • Every hour, remind yourself: "I am not this body, I am pure consciousness."
  • Sit quietly and observe thoughts without identifying with them.
  • When pain, stress, or desire arise, ask: "Who is experiencing this?"

🕉️ Day 2: "The World Is an Illusion (Maya)"

📖 Read: Chapter 2 (Verses on the Dream-like Nature of the World)
🔥 Practice:

  • See everything—work, problems, relationships—as a passing dream.
  • When anger or fear arises, say: "This is just a temporary illusion."
  • Try watching life like a movie—without deep attachment.

🕉️ Day 3: "I Was Never Bound, I Am Always Free"

📖 Read: Chapter 5 (Verses Declaring Eternal Freedom)
🔥 Practice:

  • Meditate on the idea: "I was never born, I will never die. I am pure existence."
  • Drop the belief that you need to "achieve" liberation—you already are free.
  • Whenever a problem arises, smile and say: "This is just a passing play."

🕉️ Day 4: "No Effort Is Needed – Just BE"

📖 Read: Chapter 6 (Verses on Effortless Liberation)
🔥 Practice:

  • Sit silently for 10 minutes—do nothing, think nothing, just BE.
  • Drop all spiritual efforts and simply exist as the pure Self.
  • Remind yourself: "I am already complete, there is nothing to seek."

🕉️ Day 5: "Everything Is Brahman – I Am That"

📖 Read: Chapter 10 (Verses on the Oneness of All)
🔥 Practice:

  • See everyone and everything as Brahman (Pure Consciousness).
  • When looking at people, think: "They are also the Self, just like me."
  • Feel unity with the entire universe—no separation.

🕉️ Day 6: "Chant ‘Shivoham’ & Dissolve the Ego"

📖 Read: Chapter 15 (Verses on the Power of Shivoham)
🔥 Practice:

  • Mentally chant "Shivoham, Shivoham" (I Am Shiva) throughout the day.
  • Whenever fear, doubt, or stress arise, repeat the mantra 21 times.
  • Meditate by focusing on the words "I am That"—feel its truth.

🕉️ Day 7: "Rest in Silent Awareness"

📖 Read: Any chapter (Just absorb its essence without analyzing)
🔥 Practice:

  • Spend one hour in complete silence—just being aware.
  • Do not engage in thoughts—just observe.
  • Recognize: "I am this silent awareness, untouched by anything.